Worst-Case Scenarios: Contemporary Art’s #Metoo Handwringing
Like most grassroots movements borne of slow-simmering anger and long-standing frustration, #MeToo is both overdue and messy as hell. Its faint whiff of anarchy…
Read MoreLike most grassroots movements borne of slow-simmering anger and long-standing frustration, #MeToo is both overdue and messy as hell. Its faint whiff of anarchy…
Read More“What, then, is the aura? A strange tissue of space and time: the unique apparition of a distance, however near it may be. To…
Read MoreAfter a decade or more in which soi-disant curators bestrode the earth like canapé-guzzling colossi, a subtle schism is underway, led by a number…
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