NEW YORK: Miguel Abreu: “Sequence 6”

Rochelle Goldberg, "Dead Pan Fish Revival," 2016. Courtesy of the artist and Miguel Abreu Gallery.

Miguel Abreu Gallery is pleased to announce the opening on June 26, 2016 of Sequence 6, an exhibition wherein over the course of four weeks a single work will be shown at our 36 Orchard Street space for one week only. This sequencing of works by various artists articulated over time constitutes a departure from the usual group show installed in space.

Rochelle Goldberg 6/26 – 7/6

Paul Pagk 7/7 – 7/14

Aaron Flint Jamison 7/15 – 7/22

Pieter Schoolwerth 7/23 – 7/30

The exhibition coincides with a Summer installation of works by gallery artists at our 88 Eldridge Street location, including R. H. Quaytman, Jean-Luc Moulène, Florian Pumhösl, Jimmy Raskin, Rochelle Goldberg, Raha Raissnia, Pieter Schoolwerth, Scott Lyall, Rey Akdogan, Eileen Quinlan & Blake Rayne.

Image Credit: Rochelle Goldberg, “Dead Pan Fish Revival”, 2016. Courtesy of the artist and Miguel Abreu Gallery.