Opening Reception: Thursday July 7, 6-8 PM
Battat Contemporary is pleased to present an exhibition bringing together artists from the gallery, invited artists as well as works from the collection.
“We use our eyes for seeing. Our field of vision reveals a limited space, something vaguely circular, which ends very quickly to left and right, and doesn’t extend very far up or down. If we quint, we can manage to see the end of our nose; if we raise our eyes, we can see there’s an up, if we lower them, we can see there’s a down. If we turn our head in one direction, then in another, we don’t even manage to see completely everything there is around us; we have to twist our bodies round to see properly what was behind us.
Our gaze travels trough space and gives us the illusion of relief and distance. That is how we construct space, with an up and a down, a left and a right, an in front and a behind, a near and a far. When nothing arrests our gaze, it carries a very long way.”
— Georges Perec, Espèces d’espaces, Éditions Galilée, 1974/2000.
PParticipating artists: Jen Aitken / Grier Edmundson / Colleen Heslin / Sophie Jodoin / Chris Kline / Jérôme Nadeau / Jim Verburg / Jessica Warboys