LONDON: Studio Voltaire: “We Recruit: Queer Histories and Section 28”

We Recruit: Queer Histories and Section 28 at Studio Voltaire
We Recruit: Queer Histories and Section 28 at Studio Voltaire

We are inviting anyone who identifies as LGBTQ* aged between 16-25 to be part of an ongoing collaborative filmmaking project that takes the ‘invasion’ of a broadcast of the six o’clock news in 1988 by four lesbians protesting against Section 28, as a point of departure.

We will meet monthly between January and April 2016 to visit archives, watch films and carry out graphic design and filmmaking workshops. This will lead up to a three day workshop at London’s Lesbian and Gay Film Festival FLARE and the production of a new film.

The production and the film itself will address the following areas:

– What did the ‘invasion’ mean as a protest against a law that prohibited local authorities in England and Wales from “promoting” homosexuality that labelled gay family relationships as ‘pretend’?

– How are we affected by representations of ourselves in the media?

– What does it means to work with historical moments and material?

Dates (we encourage you to attend all workshops): 
22nd January 2016 6pm-8pm: Introduction and screening of some queer films at METRO Greenwich; METRO, 141 Greenwich High Road, London, SE10 8JA
27th and 28th February 2016 (all day): Out of the Archives and onto the Streets, a workshop with graphic designer Rosie Eveleigh, using archival materials to create slogans and logos to be made into badges and stickers.
18th,19th and 20th March 2016 (all day): Three day video workshop with artists and filmmakers at the British Film Institute

To book your place and take part in the project please contact / 02083055004 ext. 129
This project commissioned by Studio Voltaire and in collaboration with The British Film Institute and METRO.