Pilar Corrias Gallery is pleased to present a two-person exhibition by Sam Lewitt and Lucy Raven, Wild Sync & Weak Locals.
In the ground floor gallery, Sam Lewitt activates custom fabricated copper-clad plastic heating circuits by maxing out the electrical energy available for lighting. Etched out of exposed photolithographic emulsion, the copper lines that heat up on these films trace-out pull quotes from the lexicon of infrastructurally administered flexibility.
In the lower gallery, Lucy Raven recreates the industrial rotocaster as a system for projecting light. Two wall-mounted structures, Casters (2016), rotate 575w lamps in mirrored trajectories, illuminating the interior of the gallery in a figure X.
Image Credit: Sam Lewitt and Lucy Raven / Wild Sync & Weak Locals / Pilar Corrias Gallery